October 2022 - Visit by Prof. Dr. Rosdiadee Nordin (Deputy Dean of Research & Innovation), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Fadzilah Abdullah, Dr. Asma Abu-Samah and Dr. Mehran Behjati for discussion on heterogenous optical-radio networks for enhanced network resilience
8th December 2021, Keynote, Topical Meeting on Photonics 2021 (TMP 2021)
6th October 2021, Keynote, International Conference on Advance Photonics and Electronic (InCAPE 2021)
26th August 2021 - Keynote, 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN-2021)
27th August 2021 - Panelist, Women in Engineering, Amity University
22nd August 2019: 2nd International Conference on Advance Photonics and Electronic (InCAPE 2019), Palm Garden Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
7th August 2019: 5G infrastructure meeting with telecommunications providers
29th July 2019: Presentation of 5G optical proposal to Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Gobind Singh Deo
24-25th July 2019: IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology, Penang
21st June 2019: 5G in Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Mokhtar Abdullah & Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan, TV1
1st June 2019: Warm welcome to mobility students from Universiti Malsyai Perlis to UNIMY Smart Opitcal 5G Technology Laboratory
2nd May 2019: Malaysia - Japan Collaboration on Smart Manufacturing , Kuala Lumpur
23 - 25th November 2018: Keynote, 8th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2018) on space division multiplexing for Internet-of-Things
11-15th November 2018: Congratulations to Mustafa Mohammed Najm, Aina Nur Faeqah, Muhammad Farhan Abu Umar and Siti Nor Izzati Azahari for receiving their scrolls at the 31st convocation ceremony
8th November 2018: Welcome back to Walid Sahraoui from Bejaia University, Algeria for PhD internship with the Optical Technology Laboratory
11th October 2018: IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program by IEEE Malaysia Section Sensors and Nanotechnology Joint Chapter
5th Septembe 2018r: A warm welcome to Nurul Adlin Mahadzir and Muhammad Hariz Hafizalshah from Universiti Malaysia Perlis for their joint Final Year Project with the Optical Technolgy Laboratory
1st August 2018: Committee meeting for 20th International Conference on Optoelectronics and Optoelectronic Design (ICOOD 2018)
13th July 2018: Distinguished Lecturer Talk by Dr. Ken-Tye Yong from Nanyang Instiute of Technology on biosensors
9-12th July 2018: Workshop on water pollution with Heriott-Watt University and University of Exeter
7th July 2018 International Lecture by Dr. Pedro Estrala, University of Bath, United Kingdom on biosensors for environmental applications
6th July 2018: Collaboration meeting with Prof. Anand Asundi from Nanyang Institute of Technology, Singapore on vehicular and enviornmental sensors
27th June 2018: A warm welcome to Universiti Malaysia Perlis internship students to UUM Optical Technology Laboratory
1st June 2018: A warm welcome to Walid Sahraoui from Bejaia University, Algeria to UUM Optical Technology Laboratory
Congratulations to Aina Nur Faeqah for winning a silver medal at the Innovative Research, Invention and Application (I-RIA) Exhibtion 2018 on 6-7th May 2018
Congratulations to Tendai Masunda, Angela Amphawan, Sara Alshwani and Aras Aldawoodi for the Best Paper Award at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Photonics, 9-11 April 2018
9-11th April 2018: Presentation at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Photonics, Langkawi
23rd March 2018: Collaboration forum with Universiti Sains Malaysia on Industrial Revolution 4.

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) mobility students in collaboration with Telekom Malaysia and Multimedia University - July 2019

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) mobility students in collaboration with Telekom Malaysia and Multimedia University - July 2019

Keynote by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE) at Penang, 23-25th November 2018

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) mobility students in collaboration with Telekom Malaysia and Multimedia University - July 2019

With Digi and Crest at presentation of 5G proposal to Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Gobind Singh Deo on 29th July 2019

With Celcom, Digi and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission at presentation of 5G proposal to Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Gobind Singh Deo on 29th July 2019

With Telekom Malaysia at presentation of 5G proposal to Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Gobind Singh Deo on 29th July 2019

With Digi and Crest at presentation of 5G proposal to Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Gobind Singh Deo on 29th July 2019

Interview on the rollout of 5G in Malaysia, TV1 with Prof. Dr. Mokhtar Abdullah and Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan on 17th June 2019

Interview on the rollout of 5G in Malaysia, TV1 with Prof. Dr. Mokhtar Abdullah and Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan on 17th June 2019

Discussion on 5G infrastructure at Celcom Axiata with Digi, Maxis, U-Mobile, YTL on 6th August 2019

Interview on the rollout of 5G in Malaysia, TV1 with Prof. Dr. Mokhtar Abdullah and Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan on 17th June 2019

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) mobility students in collaboration with Telekom Malaysia and Multimedia University - July 2019

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) mobility students in collaboration with Telekom Malaysia and Multimedia University - July 2019

Keynote by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE) at Penang, 23-25th November 2018

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) mobility students in collaboration with Telekom Malaysia and Multimedia University - July 2019

Congratulations to Aina Nur Faeqah for winning Silver Medal for her project on flood alert system at the Innovative Research, Invention and Application (I-RIA) Exhibition on 6-7th May 2018

Collaboration with University of Perlis on optical waveguides

Congratulations to Tendai Masunda for winning the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Photonics, 9 - 11th April 2018

Congratulations to Aina Nur Faeqah for winning Silver Medal for her project on flood alert system at the Innovative Research, Invention and Application (I-RIA) Exhibition on 6-7th May 2018

Meeting on IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology with IEEE Joint Sensor and Nano Councils Malaysia Section executive members chaired by Dr. Mohd Khairuddin Md Arshad

IEEE multidisciplinary research collaboration on nanotechnology, biosensors, biophotonics and networking

Best Paper Award for team paper at the IEEE International Conference on Photonics, 9 - 11th April 2018 presented by Professor Marko Loncar, Harvard University

Meeting on IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology with IEEE Joint Sensor and Nano Councils Malaysia Section executive members chaired by Dr. Mohd Khairuddin Md Arshad
9-11th April 2018: Presentation at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Photonics, Langkawi
23rd March 2018: Collaboration forum with Universiti Sains Malaysia on Industrial Revolution 4.
8th March 2018: Collaboration forum with Universiti Tenaga Nasional and School of Quantitative Science at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
15th February 2018: Collaboration meeting with Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
8th February 2018: Committee meeting for 2019 IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology (ICSE_NNANO) at Universiti Perlis Malaysia
27th January 2018: IEEE Meeting at Everly Hotel, Putraya
2nd January 2018: Appointment of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan as IEEE Malaysia Section Sensor and Nanotechnology Joint Councils Chapter Executive Member
12th December 2017: Executive meeting on Workshop on Smart Cities Systems Engineering at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
18th November 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Yousef Fazeea and Dr. Sushank Chaudhary from the UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory on their PhD degrees at the 30th Universiti Utara Malaysia Convocation
9-11th April 2018: Presentation at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Photonics, Langkawi
23rd March 2018: Collaboration forum with Universiti Sains Malaysia on Industrial Revolution 4.
8th March 2018: Collaboration forum with Universiti Tenaga Nasional and School of Quantitative Science at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
15th February 2018: Collaboration meeting with Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
8th February 2018: Committee meeting for 2019 IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology (ICSE_NNANO) at Universiti Perlis Malaysia
27th January 2018: IEEE Meeting at Everly Hotel, Putraya
2nd January 2018: Appointment of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan as IEEE Malaysia Section Sensor and Nanotechnology Joint Councils Chapter Executive Member
12th December 2017: Executive meeting on Workshop on Smart Cities Systems Engineering at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
18th November 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Yousef Fazeea and Dr. Sushank Chaudhary from the UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory on their PhD degrees at the 30th Universiti Utara Malaysia Convocation
20th November 2017: Congratulations to Abbas Mohamed Mahdi, Abdullah Abdurahman , Alaan Ghazi, Awab Noori Al-Genaie, Khaironnisa Razak and Rohaila Abdul Razak for receiving their Masters degrees scrolls at the 30th Universiti Utara Malaysia Convocation
28th October 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Nui Din Keraf for her PhD degree at 2017 Universiti Malaysia Perlis Malaysia Convocation for her thesis on Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) Network Systems, under joint supervision wtih the UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
12-13th October 2017: IoT @ NICE 2017 Conference & Exhibition: Collaboration with Multimedia University on smart living
5th October 2017: A warm welcome to Universiti Perlis Malaysia Final Year Project student, Ali Tariq to UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory who will be working on optical fiber sensors
3rd October 2017: Presentation by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela Amphawan for IEEE Day, "Creating the Future through Light", Universiti Malaysia Perlis
1st October 2017: Visit by Loei Rajabhat University to UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
27th September 2017: Congratulations to Abdallah Mahmoud Mousa Altrad for passing his PhD viva with minor corrections
23rd August 2017: Visit by King Mongkut University of Northern Bangkok research group to UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
12th October 2017: Visit by University of Southern Denmark to UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
10th August 2017: Collaboration discussion with Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
10th August 2017: Collaboration discussion with Research Centre of Excellence for Wireless and Photonics Network (WiPNET), Universiti Putra Malaysia
9th August 2017: Collaboration visit by UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory to Multimedia University Fiber Optic Research Group
8th August 2017: Congratulations to Tendai Masunda, Alaan Ghazi , Sushank Chaudhary, Yousef Fazea and Shaymah Akram for their papers at the International Conference on Advanced Photonics and Electronic (INCAPE 2017)
2nd August 2017: Collaboration discussion with Director and Deputy Director of Institute of Nano Electronic Engineering, Universiti Perlis Malaysia
1st August 2017: Collaboration visit by Institute of Nano Electronic Engineering to UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
13th July 2017: Collaboration meeting on 20th International Conference on Photonic Communications and Applications (ICPCA 2018), at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
8th July 2017: Congratulations to Sushank Chaudhary for passing his PhD viva with minor corrections
4th July 2017: A warm welcome to internship students from Universiti Perlis Malaysia, Noraien bt. Mohamad Razali and Nur Amalina Azaranyi @ Azra'ie who will be working on fiber Bragg gratings this semester at the UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory
12th June 2017: Collaboration meeting on International Conference on Optoelectronics and Applied Optics at UUM Optical Computing & Technology Laboratory